Scenario Tasks
Scenario 1 Tasks
1. Browse through the front page, scrolling to the bottom without clicking on any links.
2. At the top, in the horizontal menu, click the "Collections" link.
2. Navigate to the "New" book section and click on the link.
3. Type in the title "The Coworker."
4. Click on the book.
5. After reading the summary, add the book to the shopping cart.
6. Navigate back to the new books section and continue browsing through the books.
7. At the top, in the horizontal menu, click the "Catalog" link.
8. Click on the "Price" filter and sort the books from $2 to $20.00.
9. Find the book title, "Don't Let Her Stay," and put it in the cart.
10. Pick another book title by random and add to the cart.
11. In the horizontal menu bar, click on "Contact." Then click on "Continue Shopping."
12. Navigate to shopping cart and delete the books in the cart.
Scenario 2 Tasks
1. Browse through the front page, scrolling to the bottom without clicking on any links.
2. At the top, in the scrolling menu, click the "Authors Corner" link.
2. Navigate through the book section and click on "My Patchwork Family" book.
3. Navigate to the bottom and click on the Amazon link.
4. Navigate back to the JRS Books website.
5. At the top of the home page, in the scrolling menu, click on the JRS Shirts button link.
6. Scroll to the third row and click on the 3rd T-Shirt design from the left.
7. Navigate back to JRS Books.
8. At the top, in the horizontal menu, click the "Catalog" link.
9. Navigate back to the "Staff Picks" book section and continue browsing through the books.
10. Click on the "Availability" filter and sort to the books In Stock.
11. Find the book title, "The Four Winds," and put it in the cart.
12. Pick another book title by random and add to the cart.
13. In the horizontal menu bar, click on "Contact." Then click on "Continue Shopping."
14. Navigate to shopping cart and delete the books in the cart.
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